CPC & Ellen Cooperperson
Founder, President, CLO
Cooperperson Performance Consulting is uniquely qualified to design initiatives that will align individual and organization behavior behind a shared strategic vision for the future.
Services specializing in:
Executive Coaching
Assessments - Individual and Organizational
Communication, Leadership, Management, and Personal Development Courses
Family Business Consulting
Ideal Client Base:
Family-Owned Businesses
Corporate Leaders/Leadership Teams
Organizations in Transition
Next Generation Leaders
About Ellen Cooperperson

Ellen Cooperperson is the Founder, President and Chief Learning Officer of Cooperperson Performance Consultants, Inc.
As a best-selling author, bold thought leader, communications consultant and trusted advisor to family businesses, Ellen has moved and inspired thousands to change, grow, and succeed. A pioneer in executive coaching, she has been instrumental in boosting employee effectiveness and maximizing individual, team, and corporate performance from entrepreneurial companies to multi-national organizations.
In 1978, Ellen achieved a precedent-setting victory in the NY State Supreme Court, and demonstrated the impact of language on cultural inclusion. Her name change case is a vivid example of a “Courageous Conversation™”, a term she coined for the method she teaches to quickly and effectively establish psychological safety and resolve conflict.
Ellen received her MA in Organizational Development from Norwich University, a top ranking military academy. She is a Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), as well as a Certified Master Coach and Facilitator.
Ellen's Story
My father was an entrepreneur and as a little girl I watched him struggle. This created a strong desire in me to help my father grow his business. I wanted him to be home more and happier. It was fascinating listening to my father’s stories about customers, how he would sell and the problems he encountered. As I got older I asked him if I could help him in the business. He responded that a painting contracting company was no place for a girl. We have to keep in mind those times it was not common for women to be in the workplace. I was very disappointed.
As my father’s best audience, I would sit at his feet and listen to his stories about employee problems, see his exhaustion and just knew if my father could grow his business life would get better for him and the family.
After many years of hard work and perseverance, my Dad was awarded a contract to paint the Brooklyn Bridge. I was so thrilled for him and proud! Still determined to help my Dad succeed, I went on to college at night, to study psychology and business. During the day, I got my first full time job as an Administrator in a New York City charter school.
My career and education progressed from there, always with the burning desire to help entrepreneurs and business owners so they would not have to struggle like my Dad.
I made it my mission that there would be no place in the workforce that a woman could not go and to help other women work in nontraditional jobs . So, I founded the women’s educational counseling center in 1978 where I trained, coached and placed 17,000 women in nontraditional careers. From there I made the transition to help business owners and leaders build their companies. Among the entrepreneurs was a woman who came to me for help because she was just awarded a contract to paint the Brooklyn Bridge!
Every client I work with is my Dad, whether in the form of a male or female business owner; every professional is trying to make a contribution; and every leader is an opportunity to help my family.
Ellen’s strategic thinking, change management capabilities and presentation skills capitalize on three important resources: People, Productivity and Profit by forming collaborative partnerships within organizations to successfully implement transformational initiatives.